Just finished watching The Bucket List, an awesome movie by two power house of actors Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. The movie made me cry, a rare feat and here I am penning down my own bucket list. Mine is:
Live a month in the Himalayas, Greece and South Africa.
Travel around the world and not miss out Scotland, Ireland, Jordon, Turkey and Antarctica.
Live and learn an entire new culture.
Witness God.
See a genuine miracle.
Perform on stage in front of a big crowd.
Help a total stranger without wanting anything in return.
Explore the Pyramids of Egypt.
Write a song.
Explore the Amazon Rainforests.
Go scuba diving.
Sky dive.
Write a book like Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
Be in a movie.
Adopt a girl child.
Re-reading it and I can only say one thing:
This girl dreams big.
Anyway, what makes your list???
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